
Kristian J. Sund is Professor of Strategic Management (professor (mso) i strategisk ledelse) at Roskilde University, Denmark. He is also head of the research group Risk, Uncertainty, and Opportunity (RUNOP). He teaches strategic management at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Before joining Roskilde University he was a Principal Lecturer at Middlesex University in London, where he was also Director of MBA Programs. Prior to this he held positions in several universities in Switzerland. He has been involved in executive education for over a decade, both as an educator and a program director. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the Executive Committee of the MOC Division of the Academy of Management.

His research currently focuses on business model innovation, organizational cognition and perceived environmental uncertainty, as well as more generally organizations and strategic management. He also has a research interest in management education. His research has been applied to the hospitality industry, the postal industry, leisure (service) industry and others and has appeared in a variety of journals. He has authored and edited several books. His most recent work appeared in journals including Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, MIT Sloan Management Review, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Studies in Higher Education, and the Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Managament. He is co-editor of the book series New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition (Emerald).

Both as a consultant and regular employee, Kristian has worked with a diverse range of service industries, including banking, telecom, tourism, leisure and the postal sector. He has edited several books on strategy and innovation in the postal sector, and has previously served as a member of the Advisory Council of the Royal Mail Group.

Kristian holds a Doctorate in Management (Dr. en sciences économiques, mention management) and M.Sc. in Economics (Lic. en sc. écon., mention économie politique) from the University of Lausanne (HEC Lausanne), and a M.A. in Society, Science and Technology from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), where he also spent two postdoc years.

For a detailed list of publications, contact details, and other information, consult his page at Roskilde University or at ResearchGate.